Wednesday, December 30, 2009


When thinking about this project, I thought alot about my favorite belongings. What are they, in order, the top 10, 25, 100? Lists, displaying them, tracing their outlines on the muslin... all kinds of ideas. But really when I thought more about it, I have favorite things, but there's really nothing that I couldn't let go of, nothing that I feel like I would die if I didn't have. That was kind of a good feeling, a freeing one.

I started thinking more about places, where you are (belong), where you put things. How some places lend themselves to easy arrangement and some are continually confounding. Some places you feel right in, some you don't. In some places you are productive, in some you are not.

An empty place feels so spacious, fresh, like a clean-slate and full of possibility.

I finished my piece for Betsy today, and it is a group of items including a floor plan of a past favorite apartment.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on a wonderful project. I can't wait to see more ~
